But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
And though the living Lord be angry with us a little while for our chastening and correction, yet shall he be at one again with his servants.
Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee.
O ye seed of Israel his servant, ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel.
But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.
Of an unclean thing what can be cleansed? and from that thing which is false what truth can come?
For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
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